Thursday, April 2, 2015

1986 Police Command Base

My Dad had a lot of old LEGO sets from the 80s. Some of the instructions are still around, so we decided to build the Police Station. This set Dad had two of, so it wasn't so hard to find all the parts in our LEGO collection pile.

The police car
The Police helicopter

Close up of the front
The back of the station is open so you can play in it.
When we first finished building it, my brother assumed this room below was the bosses office. Dad set him straight. It turned out to be the jail cell.
That's a revolver up against the wall to the right. Probably not an item you want to have in your jail cell.
Here is the upstairs room.
We have a nice satellite dish here.
Here's a search light atop the jail cell roof.
The garage door opens and closes.

Here is a close up of the inside of the garage. As you can see, the sides of the garage fit into those special grooved blocks so the door will slide open.
The outside of the jail cell. The prisoners have a lovely view of flowers through the bars.
The police motorcycle. There were supposed to be two, but the other was... in several pieces.
The jumper plate and plate here hold the motorcycle.
The wheels hover just a bit off the ground so you can rotate it and pose it as you wish.
 My brothers police force is slightly a lot different from the original one. Yes, that's a lightsaber on the horses saddle. The original group of minifigs that came with the set had a person that looked like horse guy, except his hat was white. Then, three people wearing the police shirt that yellow helmet, red helmet and white cap people are wearing in the picture below, and white helmets that look like the yellow one below. All four had black pants and plain smiley faces.

 The instructions were missing the cover and only had steps 1-14 for the station only, not the minifigures or vehicles. Thank goodness for Google. We found the rest with the power of the internet.
Steps 3-6 of the instructions we found.

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