Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Minifigure Madness!

It's time for Mini figure madness! I've scoured our LEGO collection pulling out mini figure parts and now, I'm gonna mix and match them!
 First off, we have a Luke Skywalker head, a knight shirt, cowboy pants and a sailor hat. Holding a yellow mug.

Also, notice that his skin colors on his head and hands are different.
 Next, we have Darth Vader's head, a clone trooper top, a space police alien pants, a Hoth explorer hat holding a metal detector.
It's like he has some strange skin disease. Maybe his treasure hunting will pay his medical bills?
 Third we have a clone trooper head with a yellow helmet. Doctor shirt and red pants, plus a chainsaw.
He looks like something from a horror movie. "Hospital Chainsaw Massacre" or something.
 A space police set head, a cowboy hat, a juggler uniform from a knights set and a mermaid tail holding a broom.
"Even cowboy-mermaids need to do their part cleaning up!"
 Space police alien head, yellow pants and a knight shirt. Also notice the different colored hands.
Why'd you need a hairbrush you don't have any hair?
 Yoda head, police shirt, blue pants holding a wrench.
It's Yoda the police-repairman!
And finally...
I've saved the best for last. Darth-maid? Mer-Vader?
It's a Darth Vader helmet and shirt, average head and a mermaid tail.
I need some mermaid related parody of a Darth Vader quote to go here, but I can't think of anything. Oh well.
I'll be setting up a poll on the blog so you can vote for your favorite of these mixed up mini-figs. Be sure to vote! If I have a lot of people vote, I might do this again.
You have a week to vote! (Poll ends 5/27/15 8:00 PM)

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