After seeing the huge dragon on the cover of his LEGO book, my brother decided to build his own dragon. The large one he built came apart a while ago, but we have these baby dragons for you to enjoy!
This one is a little (Okay, a lot) more awesome. |
Before making it, know that you will need a lot of clip pieces.
Here is the body. It's made with two 2x2 slanted bricks, a bunch of clip pieces and 2x2 tiles.
The clips hold on the wings, legs, tail and neck. |
Here are both of the dragons bodies. They are slightly different, the boy dragon has a red plate instead of tiles. |
The wings are made of slanted plates. The girl dragons wings are a 3x6 slanted plate, The boys have a red 2x4 slanted plate on top. For larger dragons, you could use lots of layered plates. The hinge clip piece attaches the wings to the body.
Now the tail(s). A jumper plate holds horn pieces. Hinged pieces allow the tail to bend. A 1x1 slope piece adds a spike to the end of the tail.
The feet are 1x2 slanted bricks the a 1x1 plate with a clip on top. For the base of the feet, he used plates. For the girl, 2x2, the boy has slightly larger 2x3 plates.
All my pictures of the dragons neck have disappeared. You can check out the pictures of the finished dragons if you need to look at it. Basically, it's just two 1x2 plates with bars, a round 2x2 plate on top and a 2x2 plate on bottom and a horn piece in the center of the round plate. There is just one neck section on these dragons, but for a larger dragon you can add more to make the neck longer
Now the heads. You can build them however you wish. We used transparent cones for the eyes
As you can see here, the teeth are horn pieces held in with 1x1 horizontal clip pieces. The jaw is held on with a hinge piece. (We call them Wall-e eyes because our Dad once built a tiny LEGO model of Wall-e and used that piece as his eyes.) On the larger dragon, rather than a 1x2 tile, he used two 1x1 slopes for lower teeth.
Make sure to add clips on the back to attach it to the neck. |
Now to attach it all together! This part pretty much explains itself. Just snap all the pieces together.
Head and neck attached to the body. |
Now the legs and tail. |
And finally, the wings. |
Here is the finished dragon and all the different parts.
And now, you can enjoy some more pictures of the dragons.
There you go! You can build baby dragons, or size up the different parts to make a full sized dragon. Any colors can be used and you can personalize your dragon however you want.